Gold Prospecting Best youtube Channell

I CROSS the LINE and find AMAZING Gold in a ‘No Sluice’ Zone

We're back at the Turon River, ready for another thrilling gold prospecting adventure. The fast-flowing waters hold the promise of hidden treasures, and we're eager to uncover them. Our plan is to set up the sluice in a prime spot where the river's currents create a natural trap for gold.

As we prepare our equipment, we're reminded of the vibrant community of gold enthusiasts who share our passion. It's always exciting to see the fantastic finds of fellow prospectors and to participate in the giveaways that bring us all together. With our sluice in place and spirits high, we're set for a day of hard work and hopefully, some golden rewards.

Key Takeaways

  • We're prospecting in the fast-flowing Turon River for chunky gold.
  • Clay patches in the river may hold the key to finding more gold.
  • Our community of prospectors shares exciting finds and giveaways.

Navigating the Rapids

Plunging into the Swift Current

We've taken a bold step today, venturing into the churning waters of the Turon River. The rush of the rapids around us is exhilarating as we scan the area for the perfect spot to set up our sluice. Our eyes are drawn to a massive boulder, creating a unique flow pattern in the river.

Spotting the Calm Behind the Rock

Just behind that enormous rock, we've noticed a small eddy forming. It's a prime location for heavy particles to settle, including the gold we're after. We're positioning our sluice right in that sweet spot, ready to shovel material onto it as quickly and efficiently as we can.

The overburden here is relatively clean, with minimal clay content initially. As we dig deeper, we start to uncover patches of clay. This clay could be key, potentially holding onto the gold we're searching for. We're keeping a keen eye out for these clay-rich areas as we work.

Our trusty Goldrat 1088 Sluice with the forward classifier is handling the material beautifully, processing it rapidly and separating out the precious metals. We're ramping up our pace, feeding the machine steadily, when something catches our eye - a glint of gold!

We're thrilled to see some sizeable gold pieces already. It's clear that recent flooding has shifted the river's contents, depositing heavy particles right where we're working. We're carefully examining the area, focusing on those clay patches that seem to be holding the most promise.

Preparing the Sluice

Positioning in the Swift Current

We've found the perfect spot to set up our sluice box. It's right behind a massive boulder where the water rushes around from two directions, creating a small eddy. This area is ideal for heavy particles to settle.

We're placing the sluice directly in the fast-flowing water. It's a bit tricky, but we're confident this location will yield some chunky gold. The overburden here looks clean, with minimal clay content initially.

Shovelling Material onto the Sluice

As we dig deeper, we start to encounter patches of clay. We're keeping a keen eye out for these clay-rich areas, as they often hold the most gold. The change in water colour as we dig is a good sign.

Our 1088 sluice with the forward classifier is handling the material brilliantly. We're loading it up at a steady pace, watching closely for any glints of gold.

We've spotted some promising chunks already! It's clear that recent floods have shifted the heavy materials around, depositing them in this prime location.

We're carefully examining the area, focusing on clay patches. Our gut feeling is that these hold the best gold prospects. We'll keep shovelling and watching, adjusting our technique as needed to maximise our haul.

The Hunt for Nuggets

Exploring the Turon Watercourse

We ventured into the swift currents of the Turon River, eager to uncover its hidden treasures. The water surged around massive boulders, creating eddies where heavy particles tend to settle. We spotted a prime location behind a giant rock, where the converging flows formed a perfect pocket for gold to accumulate.

Setting up our sluice in this fast-moving water required careful positioning. We aimed to shovel material directly onto it as quickly as possible, making the most of the river's natural sorting action.

Unearthing Hefty Specimens

As we dug into the riverbed, we noticed patches of clay amidst the cleaner overburden. This clay often holds gold, so we paid close attention to these areas. Our 1088 sluice with its Forward classifier efficiently processed the material, separating the valuable particles from the rest.

While shovelling, we caught glimpses of sizeable gold pieces in the sluice. It was clear that recent floods had shifted and concentrated the heavy minerals in this spot. We carefully examined the clay-rich sections, confident they would yield the best results.

After a solid day's work, we pulled the sluice from the water, eager to see our haul. Cleaning out the mats revealed a impressive collection of bright, chunky gold nuggets. The Turon had lived up to its reputation, delivering some truly magnificent specimens.

Our final weigh-in showed a total of 8.24 grams – a fantastic result that left us itching to return for more. The Turon River continues to reward those willing to brave its waters and work hard for its golden treasures.

Competitions and Pressies

How to Score a Quarter Gram Paydirt

We're giving away a ripper quarter Gram Paydirt from our shop! It's dead easy to enter. Just watch our latest episode and count the rippers. Are we above par or below par? Chuck your guess in the comments below, and you could be the lucky winner of that golden pay dirt.

Spotlight on Past Champions

Our mate Gavin recently took home the pay dirt and pan giveaway. The pay dirt came from yours truly, while the pan was courtesy of Lucky Luke Prospecting. Gavin's sent in some corker photos of his haul. The gold he found is absolutely magnificent - chunky and bright as anything.

James from JM Prospecting's got a worldwide giveaway on the go. It's set to drop soon, so make sure you're subscribed to his channel. You'd be mad to miss out on this one. To enter, pop back to the original video, hit subscribe, and leave a comment. Bob's your uncle - you're in the draw!

Gold Fossicking Tips

Examining Water Discoloration

We've noticed that changes in water colour can be a valuable clue when prospecting for gold. As we dig through the riverbed, patches of discoloured water often catch our eye. These areas are worth investigating, as they might indicate where heavy materials, including gold, have settled.

When shovelling material onto our sluice, we keep a keen watch on the water's appearance. Sudden shifts in hue could signal we've hit a promising spot. It's crucial to stay alert and adjust our digging strategy based on these visual cues.

Clay Deposits as Gold Markers

Clay patches in the riverbed have proven to be excellent indicators of potential gold deposits. We've learned to pay close attention when we encounter clay while digging through overburden. These clay-rich areas often hold the most promise for finding gold nuggets.

Our strategy involves:

  1. Carefully scanning the area for clay deposits
  2. Focusing our efforts on these clay-rich patches
  3. Gently breaking up the clay to release any trapped gold

We've found that where there's clay, there's often gold. It's as if the clay acts like a natural trap, holding onto the precious metal during floods and water movements. By targeting these spots, we've increased our chances of a successful day's fossicking.

Community Involvement

Lending a Hand to a Fellow Gold Seeker

We've got a mate in our gold hunting community who's going through a rough patch. Gadzi, a top bloke known for his humility, recently lost his beloved dog. It's hit him hard, and we reckon it'd mean a lot if you popped over to his latest video to offer some kind words. A bit of support goes a long way in times like these.

Join the Gold Rush Competitions

Fancy winning some gold? We've got a ripper of a worldwide giveaway coming up with JM Prospecting. To get in on the action, head over to their channel and hit that subscribe button. The comp's set to drop soon, and you won't want to miss out.

Don't forget our ongoing competition either. We're giving away a quarter gram of gold pay dirt every episode. Want a shot at it? It's dead easy:

  1. Watch our latest video
  2. Subscribe to our channel
  3. Leave a comment telling us if we're above or below par

Gavin, our last lucky winner, struck it rich with some top-notch gold. He sent in some crackers of photos showcasing his shiny new treasure. Who knows? You could be next!

Unveiling the Treasure

Cleaning the Sluice

We carefully removed the sluice box from the river, eager to see what lay hidden in its mats. The anticipation built as we began the meticulous process of cleaning out the contents. Each splash of water revealed more glimmers of hope, hinting at the potential riches we'd uncovered.

As we rinsed away the last of the sediment, our eyes widened. The unmistakable yellow gleam of gold became increasingly apparent. Tiny flakes and larger nuggets emerged, a testament to the day's hard work in the Turon River.

Gold Preview and Reactions

Our initial peek at the day's haul left us gobsmacked. The gold we'd recovered was nothing short of spectacular. Clean, bright, and chunky pieces lay before us, their brilliance catching the sunlight.

We couldn't help but marvel at the impressive show of gold:

  • Colour: Vibrant, lustrous yellow
  • Size: A mix of fine flakes and larger nuggets
  • Quality: Clean and free from impurities

The Turon River had certainly delivered, rewarding our efforts with some cracking specimens. As we admired our find, we knew we'd be eager to return for another go at this promising spot.

Wrapping Up Our Turon River Exploits

Pondering Our Gold Haul

We've had a cracker of a day at the Turon River, mates. Our sluice box proved its worth, chomping through the river material and spitting out some fair dinkum gold. The patches of clay we uncovered were a goldmine, quite literally. As we dug deeper, the colour of the water changed, signalling we were onto something special.

The recent floods have done us a favour, shifting heavies about and dropping them right where we needed. It's been a ripper watching those chunky pieces appear in our sluice. The gold we've collected is a beauty - clean, bright, and hefty.

Share Your Thoughts, Win Some Pay Dirt

We're keen to hear your take on today's adventure. Was it above par or below par? Chuck your thoughts in the comments below for a chance to score some quality pay dirt from our shop. It's a bonza opportunity to get your hands on some Aussie gold.

Don't forget to check out the worldwide giveaway on JM Prospecting's channel. It's set to be a beauty, so make sure you're in the running. Subscribe, leave a comment on the original video, and you're set.

We wrapped up with a tidy 8.24 grams of gold. It's a fantastic result that's got us itching to head back for more. The Turon River's still got plenty of secrets to share, and we're dead set on uncovering them.

Gold Weight Reveal

We've had a ripper of a day at the Turon River, and it's time to unveil our golden haul. After a hard slog in the fast-flowing waters, we've managed to collect some cracking pieces of the yellow metal.

As we cleaned out the sluice box, our eyes lit up at the sight of chunky gold nestled in the mats. The brightness of these nuggets is truly something to behold, gleaming with that unmistakable lustre that gets every prospector's heart racing.

Now for the moment of truth - the weigh-in. We've dried off our finds and placed them on the scales, holding our breath in anticipation. The numbers flicker and settle, revealing our day's work: a whopping 8.24 grams!

This impressive result has us chuffed to bits. It's a testament to the rich deposits still hiding in the Turon's waters and the effectiveness of our sluicing technique. With a yield like this, you can bet we'll be back for another crack at it soon.

Remember, if you reckon this haul is above or below par, drop a comment for your chance to win some top-notch pay dirt. Happy prospecting, mates!

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